UCE Processing for Phylogenomics
The process described below is meant for users who are analyzing UCE data in phylogenetic contexts - meaning that you are interested in addressing questions at or deeper than the species-level.
Identifying UCE loci
Once we have assembled our fastq data (see Assembly), we need to process those contigs to (a) determine which represent enrichend UCE loci and (b) remove any potential paralogs from the data set. Before we can do that, we need to to a little preparatory work by downloading a FASTA file representing the bait/probe set that we used.
Get the probe set FASTA
To identify which of the contigs we’ve assembled are UCE loci (and which UCE loci they might be), we are going to match our assembled contigs to the probes we used to enrich UCE loci. Before we do that, however, we need to download a copy of probe set we used for matching purposes.
We archive official probe sets at https://github.com/faircloth-lab/uce-probe-sets/, but you need to be careful about which one you grab - probe sets can be of different sizes (e.g. 2,500 or 5,500 loci) and for different groups of taxa (e.g., amniotes, fish)
Download the probe set
To download a given probe set for phyluce, you need to figure out which probe
set you need. Then, you can use a command like wget
on the command-line (or
navigate with your browser to the URL and save the file):
# to get the 2.5k, amniote probe set
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/faircloth-lab/uce-probe-sets/master/uce-2.5k-probe-set/uce-2.5k-probes.fasta
# to get the 5k, amniote probe set
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/faircloth-lab/uce-probe-sets/master/uce-5k-probe-set/uce-5k-probes.fasta
Match contigs to probes
Once we’ve downloaded the probe set we used to enrich UCE loci, we need to find which of our assembled contigs are the UCE loci that we enriched. During this process, the code will also remove any contigs that appear to be duplicates as a result of assembly/other problems or a biological event(s).
The way that this process works is that phyluce aligns (using lastz) the contigs you assembled to the probes you input on a taxon-by-taxon (or otu-by-otu)
basis. Then, the code parses the alignment file to determine which contigs
matched which probes, whether any probes from a single locus matched multiple contigs or whether a single contig matched probes designed from muliple UCE loci. Either of these latter two events suggests that the locus in question is problematic.
ADVANCED: The default regular expression assumes probes in your
file are named according to uce-NNN_pN
, where uce-
is just a text
string, NNN
is an integer value denoting each unique locus, _p
is a
text string denoting a “probe” targeting locus NNN
, and the trailing
is an integer value denoting each unique probe targeting the same
If you are using a custom probe file, then you will either need to ensure
that your naming scheme conforms to this approach OR you will need to
input a different regular expression to convert the probe names to locus
names using the --regex
flag. It is up to you to determine what
is the appropriate regular expression.
To identify which of your assembled contigs are UCE contigs, run:
# make a directory for log files
mkdir log
# match contigs to probes
phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes \
--contigs /path/to/assembly/contigs/ \
--probes uce-5k-probes.fasta \
--output /path/to/uce/output \
--log-path log
When you run this code, you should see output similar to:
2014-04-24 14:38:15,979 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - ================ Starting match_contigs_to_probes ===============
2014-04-24 14:38:15,979 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Version: git 7aec8f1
2014-04-24 14:38:15,979 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --contigs: /path/to/assembly/contigs/
2014-04-24 14:38:15,980 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --keep_duplicates: None
2014-04-24 14:38:15,980 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --log_path: None
2014-04-24 14:38:15,980 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --min_coverage: 80
2014-04-24 14:38:15,980 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --min_identity: 80
2014-04-24 14:38:15,980 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --output: /path/to/uce/output
2014-04-24 14:38:15,980 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --probes: uce-5k-probes.fasta
2014-04-24 14:38:15,981 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --regex: ^(uce-\d+)(?:_p\d+.*)
2014-04-24 14:38:15,981 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Argument --verbosity: INFO
2014-04-24 14:38:16,138 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Checking probe/bait sequences for duplicates
2014-04-24 14:38:19,022 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Creating the UCE-match database
2014-04-24 14:38:19,134 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - Processing contig data
2014-04-24 14:38:19,134 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------
2014-04-24 14:38:25,713 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - genus_species1: 1031 (70.14%) uniques of 1470 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 48 UCE probes matching multiple contigs, 117 contigs matching multiple UCE probes
2014-04-24 14:38:32,846 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - genus_species2: 420 (68.52%) uniques of 613 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 30 UCE probes matching multiple contigs, 19 contigs matching multiple UCE probes
2014-04-24 14:38:39,184 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - genus_species3: 1071 (63.15%) uniques of 1696 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 69 UCE probes matching multiple contigs, 101 contigs matching multiple UCE probes
2014-04-24 14:49:59,654 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - -----------------------------------------------------------------
2014-04-24 14:49:59,654 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - The LASTZ alignments are in /path/to/uce/output/
2014-04-24 14:49:59,654 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - The UCE match database is in /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite
2014-04-24 14:49:59,655 - match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - =============== Completed match_contigs_to_probes ===============
The *.log
files for each operation are always printed to the
screen AND also written out to the $CWD
(current working directory).
You can keep these files more orderly by specifying a $LOG
on the
command line using the --log-path
The resulting files will be in the:
directory. If you look in this directory, you’ll see that it contains species- specific lastz_ files as well as an sqlite database:
$ ls /path/to/output
The *.lastz
files within the /path/to/output
directory are basically for
reference and individual review (they are text files that you can open using a
text editor to view). The really important data from the lastz files are
summarized in the:
database file. It’s probably a good idea to have some knowledge of how this database is structured, since it’s basically what makes the next few steps work. So, let’s go over the structure and contents of this database.
The probe.matches.sqlite database
is a relational database that summarizes all
valid matches of contigs to UCE loci across the set of taxa that you fed it.
The database is created by and for a program named sqlite, which is a very
handy, portable SQL database. For more info on SQL and SQLITE, see this
sqlite-tutorial. I’ll briefly cover the database contents and use below.
First, take a look at the contents of the database by running:
sqlite3 probe.matches.sqlite
You’ll now see something like:
SQLite version 3.7.3
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
It’s often easier to change some defaults for better viewing, so at the prompt, paste in the following:
sqlite> .mode columns
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .nullvalue .
For more info on sqlite “dot” commands, you can type
Now that that’s done, let’s see which tables the database contains by running
the .tables
sqlite> .tables
match_map matches
This tells us there’s two tables in the database, named match_map
The matches
Let’s take a look at the contents of the matches
table. Once you’ve started
the sqlite interface, run:
sqlite> SELECT * FROM matches LIMIT 10;
This query select all rows (SELECT *
) from the matches
table (FROM
) and limits the number of returned rows to 10 (LIMIT 10
). This
will output data that look something like:
uce genus_species1 genus_species2 genus_species3
---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
uce-500 1 . .
uce-501 1 . .
uce-502 1 . .
uce-503 1 1 1
uce-504 1 . .
uce-505 1 . .
uce-506 . . .
uce-507 1 . .
uce-508 1 1 .
uce-509 1 1 1
Basically, what this indicates is that you enriched 9 of 10 targeted UCE loci
from genus_species1
, 3 of 10 UCE loci in the list from genus_species2
and 2 of 10 UCE loci from genus_species3
. The locus name is given in the
uce column
. Remember that we’ve limited the results to 10 rows for the sake
of making the results easy to view.
If we wanted to see only those loci that enriched in all species, we could run:
sqlite> SELECT * FROM matches WHERE genus_species1 = 1
...> AND genus_species2 = 1 AND genus_species3 = 1;
Assuming we only had those 10 UCE loci listed above in the database, if we ran this query, we would see something like:
uce genus_species1 genus_species2 genus_species3
---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
uce-503 1 1 1
uce-509 1 1 1
Basically, the matches
table and this query are what we run to generate
complete (only loci enriched in all taxa) and incomplete (all loci
enriched from all taxa) matrices very easily and quickly (see
Creating a data matrix configuration file).
The match_map
The match_map
table shows us which species-specific, contigs match which UCE
loci. Because each assembly program assigns an arbitrary designator to each
assembled contig, we need to map these arbitrary designators (which also differ
for each taxon/OTU) to the UCE locus to which it corresponds. Because assembled
contigs are also not in any particular orientation relative to each other across
taxa/OTUs (i.e., they may be 5’ - 3’ or 3’ - 5’), the database also records the
orientation of all contigs relative to orientation of each probe in the probes
Let’s take a quick look at the match_map
SELECT * FROM match_map LIMIT 10;
This query is similar to the one that we ran against matches
and returns the
first 10 rows of the match_map
uce genus_species1 genus_species2 genus_species3
---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
uce-500 node_233(+) . .
uce-501 node_830(+) . .
uce-502 node_144(-) . .
uce-503 node_1676(+) node_243(+) node_322(+)
uce-504 node_83(+) . .
uce-505 node_1165(-) . .
uce-506 . . .
uce-507 node_967(+) . .
uce-508 node_671(+) node_211(-) .
uce-509 node_544(-) node_297(+) node_37(+)
As stated above, these results show which assembled contigs “hit” particular UCE
loci. So, if we were to open the
symlink the contig named
corresponds to UCE locus uce-503
. Because contigs are named
arbitrarily during assembly, this same UCE locus is also found in
genus_species2, but it is named node-243
Each entry in the rows also provides the orientation for particular contigs
or (+)
. This orientation is relative to the orientation of the UCE
probes/locus in the source genome (e.g., chicken for tetrapod probes).
We use this table to generate a FASTA file of UCE loci for alignment (see :ref :fasta-file), after we’ve identified the loci we want in a particular data set (see Creating a data matrix configuration file). The code for this step also uses the associated orientation data to ensure that all the sequence data have the same orientation prior to alignment (some aligners will force alignment of all reads using the given orientation rather than also trying the reverse complement and picking the better alignment of the two).
Now that we know the taxa for which we’ve enriched UCE loci and which contigs we’ve assembled match which UCE loci, we’re ready to generate some data matrices.
The data matrix generation process consists of two distinct parts:
Getting locus counts and generating a taxon set
Extracting FASTA data from our
based on the taxon set
Creating a data matrix configuration file
After we identify the UCE loci we enriched, but before we extract fasta data
from our $ASSEMBLY/contigs
corresponding to those loci, we need to create a
data matrix configuration file that denotes (1) which taxa we want to include in
a given analysis and (2) which loci will be included with this taxon set.
The taxa included in the data matrix configuration file are determined by the
user - you input a list of taxa you want to the analysis. The UCE loci included
in the data matrix configuration are then determined by the software which
compares the requested taxa to UCE match results in probe.matches.sqlite
two flags that you pass either one requesting complete data matrix or one
requesting an incomplete data matrix.
- complete matrix
A phylogenetic matrix (typically sequence data) in which there are no missing data at any locus for any taxon/OTU.
- incomplete matrix
A phylogenetic matrix (typocally sequence data) in which data may be missing from a given taxon or a given loci (or both).
During the creation of the data matrix configuration file you can also include additional data from pre-existing UCE match databases and contigs (see :ref :outgroup-data).
We’ll start very simply.
Complete taxon set
First, let’s generate a data matrix configuration file from only the current UCE enrichments that will be complete - meaning that we will not include loci where certain taxa have no data (either the locus was not enriched for that taxon or removed during the filtering process for duplicate loci).
To do this, you need to create a starting taxon-configuration file (a text-based file) denoting the taxa we want in the data set. The taxon-configuration file should look exactly like this (substitute in your taxon names):
Let’s assume you save this file as datasets.conf
. Now, to create the data
matrix configuration file from this taxon-configuration file, run:
# create the output directory for this taxon set
mkdir /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/
# create the data matrix configuration file
phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--taxon-list-config datasets.conf \
--taxon-group 'dataset1' \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf
This will basically run a query against the database, and pull out those loci for those taxa in the datasets.conf file having UCE contigs.
The output printed to the screen and $LOG
file should look something like:
2014-04-24 17:25:08,145 - get_match_counts - INFO - =================== Starting get_match_counts ===================
2014-04-24 17:25:08,145 - get_match_counts - INFO - Version: git 7aec8f1
2014-04-24 17:25:08,145 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --extend_locus_db: None
2014-04-24 17:25:08,145 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --incomplete_matrix: False
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --keep_counts: False
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --locus_db: /path/to/uce/output/probes.matches.sqlite
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --log_path: /path/to/uce
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --optimize: False
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --output: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --random: False
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --sample_size: 10
2014-04-24 17:25:08,146 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --samples: 10
2014-04-24 17:25:08,147 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --silent: False
2014-04-24 17:25:08,147 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --taxon_group: dataset1
2014-04-24 17:25:08,147 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --taxon_list_config: datasets.conf
2014-04-24 17:25:08,147 - get_match_counts - INFO - Argument --verbosity: INFO
2014-04-24 17:25:08,150 - get_match_counts - INFO - There are 3 taxa in the taxon-group '[dataset1]' in the config file dataset1.conf
2014-04-24 17:25:08,151 - get_match_counts - INFO - Getting UCE names from database
2014-04-24 17:25:08,407 - get_match_counts - INFO - There are 1314 total UCE loci in the database
2014-04-24 17:25:11,046 - get_match_counts - INFO - Getting UCE matches by organism to generate a COMPLETE matrix
2014-04-24 17:25:11,051 - get_match_counts - INFO - There are 306 shared UCE loci in a COMPLETE matrix
2014-04-24 17:25:11,051 - get_match_counts - INFO - Failed to detect 428 UCE loci in genus_species1
2014-04-24 17:25:11,051 - get_match_counts - INFO - Failed to detect 380 UCE loci in genus_species2
2014-04-24 17:52:54,850 - get_match_counts - INFO - Writing the taxa and loci in the data matrix to /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf
2014-04-24 17:52:54,862 - get_match_counts - INFO - =================== Completed get_match_counts ==================
This basically says that although we’ve detected a total of 1,314 UCE loci in the 3 taxa in which we are interested, when we boil those down to a complete matrix, the complete matrix is only going to contain 306 UCE loci (of the 1,314). We had to drop 428 loci because we did not detect them in genus_species1 and we had to drop another 380 loci because we did not detect them in genus_species2.
The output written to the /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf
will look
something like:
Taxon set membership and locus number
Now, you might think that increasing the locus count is simply a matter of removing genus_species1 from the list of taxa. This is not strictly true, however, given the vagaries of hits and misses among taxa. phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts has several other options to help you determine which taxa may be causing problems, but picking the best combination of taxa to give you the highest number of loci is a reasonably hard optimization problem.
Incomplete data matrix
You may not always want a complete data matrix. Or generating a complete matrix drops too many loci for your tastes (it often does). In that case, you can easily generate an incomplete dataset using the following:
# create the data matrix configuration file
phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--taxon-list-config datasets.conf \
--taxon-group 'dataset1' \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf \
Note the addition of the --incomplete-matrix
This will generate a dataset that includes any loci enriched across the taxa in the datasets.conf file.
You do not determine the “completeness” of the final data matrix that you want to create during this stage - that happens later, after alignment (see Finalize matrix completeness). As a result, we are alinging data from any and all UCE loci having >= 3 taxa, which allows us to flexibly select the level of incompleteness later, without having to re-run our alignments.
Creating additional data matrix configuration files for other analyses
If you want to generate/evaluate many data matrix configuration files containing different taxa, you can simply create new lists within the datasets.conf file like so:
And then you can run phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts
against this new
section to output the data matrix configuration files:
# create the data matrix configuration file
phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--taxon-list-config datasets.conf \
--taxon-group 'dataset2' \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set2/dataset2.conf
In this way, you can get some idea of how different taxon-set memberships
affect the resulting data matrix configuration files prior to extracting the
relevant FASTA data from $ASSEMBLY/contigs
- which is a reasonably slow
Incorporating outgroup/other data
You may want to include outgroup data from another source into your datasets. This can be from the pre-processed outgroup data files, but it doesn’t need to be these outgroup data. These additional data can also be contigs previously assembled from a different set of taxa.
ADVANCED: If you want to include outgroup data from genome-enabled taxa, we have already created several repositories containing these data. We maintaing these data under version control at: https://github.com/faircloth-lab/uce-probe-sets. To download these data and use them in your analyses, you can clone the data using git:
git clone https://github.com/faircloth-lab/uce-probe-sets
Then update your --taxon-list-config
file and provide the proper paths
to the cloned data, as detailed below.
The first step of this process is to setup your --taxon-list-config
differently - by indicating taxa from external data sources using asterisks:
Here, genus_species4*
and genus_species5*
come from an external data
Then, you need to pass phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts
the location of
both your --locus-db
and the --extend-locus-db
. For example:
# create the data matrix configuration file
phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--taxon-list-config datasets.conf \
--taxon-group 'dataset3' \
--extend-locus-db /path/to/some/other/probe.matches.sqlite \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set3/dataset3.conf
To keep all this extension from getting too crazy, I’ve limited the ability to include external data to a single set. If you have lots of data from many different enrichments, you’ll need to generate a contigs folder containing all these various assemblies (or symlinks to them), then align the probes to these data (see Match contigs to probes). Once you do that, you can extend your current data set with all of these other data.
Extracting FASTA data using the data matrix configuration file
Once we have created the data matrix configuration file containing data for our
taxa of interest and those loci of interest, we need to extract the appropriate
FASTA sequences from each assembly representing the taxon/OTU of interest (e.g.
in $ASSEMBLY/contigs
). This is a reasonably straightforward process that
differs only slightly based on whether you are extracting a complete matrix of
data, an incomplete matrix of data, and/or whether you are incorporating any
external data sources.
Complete data matrix
To generate FASTA file containing the sequence data from a complete data matrix configuration file, run:
phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts \
--contigs /path/to/assembly/contigs/ \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--match-count-output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.fasta
Incomplete data matrix
Similarly, to generate a FASTA file containing the sequence data from a complete data matrix configuration file, run:
phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts \
--contigs /path/to/assembly/contigs/ \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--match-count-output /path/to/uce/taxon-set/dataset1.conf \
--incomplete-matrix /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.incomplete \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.fasta
Note the addition of the --incomplete-matrix
option. This
creates an output file that contains the names of the missing loci by
taxon/OTU. You can name this file anything you like. I tend to use
as the extension so that it is clear what this file
Incorporating outgroup/other data
When we’re incorporating external data, we need to pass the name of the external
database as well as the name of the external contigs
. To generate a FASTA
file containing the sequence data from a complete data matrix configuration
that includes exeternal data sources, run:
phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts \
--contigs /path/to/assembly/contigs/ \
--locus-db /path/to/uce/output/probe.matches.sqlite \
--match-count-output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.conf \
--incomplete-matrix /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.incomplete \
--extend-locus-db /path/to/some/other/probe.matches.sqlite \
--extend-locus-contigs /path/to/some/other/contigs \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set3/dataset3.fasta
Aligning and trimming FASTA data
With all of that out of the way, things get much easier to deal with. Now, we need to align our data across loci, and once we’re done with that, the remaining operations we can run on the data are format-conversions, QC steps, matrix trimming for completeness, and any number of other fun things.
Aligning the amount of data generated by enrichment approaches is reasonably computationally intensive - so the alignment step goes fastest if you have a multicore machine. You also have several alignment options available, although I would suggest sticking with MAFFT.
The alignment process, as implemented by phyluce, includes trimming steps that trim ragged edges and remove alignments that become to short following trimming.
To turn trimming off and trim alignments using another approach, pass the
option. There are also several more options related to
trimming that you can tweak. To view these, run
phyluce_align_seqcap_align --help
Also see the Tutorial I: UCE Phylogenomics for more info on trimming options.
Complete data matrix
To align the loci, by taxon, in the FASTA file you just created, run:
phyluce_align_seqcap_align \
--fasta /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.fasta \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/ \
--taxa 3 \
--aligner mafft \
--cores 8
If you pass more --cores
than your machine has, you will
receive an error.
Here, we are accepting the default, output alignment format (“nexus”).
To change that format to something else, pass the --output-format
with a choice of {fasta,nexus,phylip,clustal,emboss,stockholm}.
Alignment stats
Once you have alignments, it’s nice to get a general sense of their length and composition. You can quickly (with a multicore machine) summarize thousands of alignments by running:
phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/ \
--cores 12
This will produce output that looks similar to:
2014-04-24 17:31:15,724 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ================ Starting get_align_summary_data ================
2014-04-24 17:31:15,724 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Version: git 7aec8f1
2014-04-24 17:31:15,724 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --alignments: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/
2014-04-24 17:31:15,724 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --cores: 12
2014-04-24 17:31:15,724 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --input_format: nexus
2014-04-24 17:31:15,724 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --log_path: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/log
2014-04-24 17:31:15,725 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --show_taxon_counts: False
2014-04-24 17:31:15,725 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --verbosity: INFO
2014-04-24 17:31:15,725 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Getting alignment files
2014-04-24 17:31:15,729 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Computing summary statistics using 12 cores
2014-04-24 17:31:16,653 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ----------------------- Alignment summary -----------------------
2014-04-24 17:31:16,654 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] loci: 306
2014-04-24 17:31:16,654 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] length: 223,929
2014-04-24 17:31:16,654 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] mean: 731.79
2014-04-24 17:31:16,654 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] 95% CI: 17.01
2014-04-24 17:31:16,654 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] min: 275
2014-04-24 17:31:16,654 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] max: 1,109
2014-04-24 17:31:16,655 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------- Taxon summary -------------------------
2014-04-24 17:31:16,655 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] mean: 27.00
2014-04-24 17:31:16,655 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] 95% CI: 0.00
2014-04-24 17:31:16,656 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] min: 27
2014-04-24 17:31:16,656 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] max: 27
2014-04-24 17:31:16,656 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ----------------- Missing data from trim summary ----------------
2014-04-24 17:31:16,656 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] mean: 7.61
2014-04-24 17:31:16,656 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] 95% CI: 0.24
2014-04-24 17:31:16,656 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] min: 1.13
2014-04-24 17:31:16,657 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] max: 15.79
2014-04-24 17:31:16,661 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - -------------------- Character count summary --------------------
2014-04-24 17:31:16,661 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [All characters] 6,046,083
2014-04-24 17:31:16,661 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Nucleotides] 4,924,129
2014-04-24 17:31:16,661 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ---------------- Data matrix completeness summary ---------------
2014-04-24 17:31:16,661 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 50%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,661 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 55%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 60%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 65%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 70%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 75%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 80%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 85%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 90%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,662 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 95%] 306 alignments
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------ Character counts -----------------------
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] '-' is present 651,009 times
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] '?' is present 470,945 times
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'A' is present 1,386,821 times
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'C' is present 1,089,729 times
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'G' is present 1,094,159 times
2014-04-24 17:31:16,663 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'T' is present 1,353,420 times
2014-04-24 17:31:16,664 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ================ Completed get_align_summary_data ===============
Locus name removal
For historical reasons, and also for users to ensure that the sequence data
aligned together are from the same loci, each sequence line in the alignment
file output by seqcap_align
contains the genus_species1
but the genus_species1
designator is also prepended with the locus name
(e.g. uce-1005_genus_species1
). We need to remove these if we plan to
concatenate the loci (RAxML). More generally, it is a good idea
to remove locus names from sequence lines before running any analyses. To do
this, run:
phyluce_align_remove_locus_name_from_files \ --alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/ \ --output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-clean/ \ --taxa 3
Incomplete data matrix
The only difference for an alignment of incomplete data is that we also pass the
flag, which tells the code to expect that some loci will
not contain data across all taxa:
phyluce_align_seqcap_align \
--fasta /path/to/uce/taxon-set2/dataset2.fasta \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set2/mafft-nexus/ \
--taxa 34 \
--aligner mafft \
--cores 12 \
Alignment stats
Once you have alignments, it’s nice to get a general sense of their length and composition. You can quickly (with a multicore machine) summarize thousands of alignments by running:
phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/ \
--cores 12
This will produce output that looks similar to:
2014-04-24 20:11:18,208 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ================ Starting get_align_summary_data ================
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Version: git 7aec8f1
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --alignments: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --cores: 12
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --input_format: nexus
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --log_path: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/log
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --show_taxon_counts: False
2014-04-24 20:11:18,209 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --verbosity: INFO
2014-04-24 20:11:18,210 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Getting alignment files
2014-04-24 20:11:18,253 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - Computing summary statistics using 12 cores
2014-04-24 20:11:20,573 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ----------------------- Alignment summary -----------------------
2014-04-24 20:11:20,574 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] loci: 1,104
2014-04-24 20:11:20,574 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] length: 752,617
2014-04-24 20:11:20,574 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] mean: 681.72
2014-04-24 20:11:20,574 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] 95% CI: 13.03
2014-04-24 20:11:20,574 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] min: 169
2014-04-24 20:11:20,574 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] max: 4,520
2014-04-24 20:11:20,576 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------- Taxon summary -------------------------
2014-04-24 20:11:20,576 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] mean: 24.29
2014-04-24 20:11:20,576 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] 95% CI: 0.26
2014-04-24 20:11:20,576 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] min: 3
2014-04-24 20:11:20,576 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] max: 27
2014-04-24 20:11:20,577 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ----------------- Missing data from trim summary ----------------
2014-04-24 20:11:20,577 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] mean: 7.97
2014-04-24 20:11:20,577 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] 95% CI: 0.16
2014-04-24 20:11:20,578 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] min: 0.44
2014-04-24 20:11:20,578 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] max: 19.71
2014-04-24 20:11:20,592 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - -------------------- Character count summary --------------------
2014-04-24 20:11:20,592 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [All characters] 18,541,550
2014-04-24 20:11:20,592 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Nucleotides] 14,713,956
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ---------------- Data matrix completeness summary ---------------
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 50%] 1048 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 55%] 1044 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 60%] 1035 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 65%] 1027 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 70%] 1024 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 75%] 1010 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,594 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 80%] 998 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 85%] 994 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 90%] 906 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 95%] 794 alignments
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------ Character counts -----------------------
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] '-' is present 2,301,454 times
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] '?' is present 1,526,140 times
2014-04-24 20:11:20,595 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'A' is present 4,092,085 times
2014-04-24 20:11:20,596 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'C' is present 3,267,550 times
2014-04-24 20:11:20,596 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'G' is present 3,286,742 times
2014-04-24 20:11:20,596 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'T' is present 4,067,579 times
2014-04-24 20:11:20,596 - get_align_summary_data - INFO - ================ Completed get_align_summary_data ===============
The alignment summary stats give you some idea of data matrix
composition at varying levels of completeness in the Data matrix completeness
Locus name removal
For historical reasons, and also for users to ensure that the sequence data
aligned together are from the same loci, each sequence line in the alignment
file output by seqcap_align
contains the genus_species1
but the genus_species1
designator is also prepended with the locus name
(e.g. uce-1005_genus_species1
). We need to remove these if we plan to
concatenate the loci (RAxML). More generally, it is a good idea
to remove locus names from sequence lines before running any analyses. To do
this, run:
phyluce_align_remove_locus_name_from_files \ --alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus/ \ --output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-clean/ \ --cores 12
Finalize matrix completeness
After checking the resulting alignment summary stats and checking your alignments for quality, you will generally want to cull the data set to reach your desired level of completeness. That is easily done by running the following, while inputting the set of alignments just generated using:
# the integer following --taxa is the number of TOTAL taxa
phyluce_align_get_only_loci_with_min_taxa \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-clean/ \
--taxa 34 \
--percent 0.75 \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-min-25-taxa/ \
--cores 12
This program computes the floor(taxa * percent)
and uses the
resulting number to determine the min(taxa)
allowed in an alignment of
This will produce output that looks similar to:
2014-04-24 20:12:33,386 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - ============== Starting get_only_loci_with_min_taxa =============
2014-04-24 20:12:33,387 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Version: git 7aec8f1
2014-04-24 20:12:33,387 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --alignments: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus
2014-04-24 20:12:33,387 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --cores: 12
2014-04-24 20:12:33,387 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --input_format: nexus
2014-04-24 20:12:33,387 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --log_path: None
2014-04-24 20:12:33,387 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --output: /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-min-25-taxa
2014-04-24 20:12:33,388 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --percent: 0.75
2014-04-24 20:12:33,388 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --taxa: 27
2014-04-24 20:12:33,388 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Argument --verbosity: INFO
2014-04-24 20:12:33,388 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Getting alignment files
2014-04-24 20:12:35,293 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Copied 1010 alignments of 1104 total containing >= 0.75 proportion of taxa (n = 20)
2014-04-24 20:12:35,294 - get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - ============= Completed get_only_loci_with_min_taxa =============
Add missing data designators
Sometimes, depending on how you will handle the alignments, you will need to add missing data designators for taxa missing from each alignment of a given locus. This will basically allow you to generate concatenated data sets and it may reduce error messages from other programs about files having unequal numbers of taxa. To do this, run:
phyluce_align_add_missing_data_designators \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-min-25-taxa \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus-min-25-taxa \
--match-count-output /path/to/uce/taxon-set/dataset1.conf \
--incomplete-matrix /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/dataset1.incomplete \
--log-path log \
--cores 12
Here, we’re inputting the --match-count-output
and the
we created earlier in the Incomplete data matrix and
Extracting FASTA data using the data matrix configuration file sections.
Operations on alignments
Many workflows for phylogenetics simply involve converting one alignment format to another or changing something about the contents of a given alignment. We use many of these manipulations in the next section (see Preparing concatenated alignment data for analysis), as well.
Converting one alignment format to another
To convert one alignment type (e.g., nexus) to another (e.g., fasta), we have a
relative simple bit of code to achieve that process. You can greatly speed this
processing step up on a multicore machine with the --cores
phyluce_align_convert_one_align_to_another \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-fasta \
--input-format nexus \
--output-format fasta \
--cores 8 \
--log-path log
You can convert from/to:
phylip-relaxed (probably the one you want)
Shortening taxon names
You can shorten taxon names (e.g. for use with strict phylip) by modifying the
above command slightly to add --shorten-names
phyluce_align_convert_one_align_to_another \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-fasta-shortnames \
--input-format nexus \
--output-format fasta \
--cores 8 \
--shorten-names \
--log-path log
Excluding loci or taxa
You may want to exclude loci less than a certain length or having fewer than a particular number of taxa, or only containing certain taxa. You can accomplish that using:
phyluce_align_filter_alignments \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus \
--output /path/to/a/new/directory \
--input-format nexus \
--containing-data-for genus_species1 genus_species2 \
--min-length 100 \
--min-taxa 5 \
--log-path log
This will filter alignments that do not contain the taxa requested, those alignments shorter than 100 bp, and those alignments having fewer than 5 taxa (taxa with only missing data are not counted).
Extracting taxon data from alignments
Sometimes you may have alignments from which you want to extract data from a given taxon, format the alignment string as fasta, and do something with the fasta results:
phyluce_align_extract_taxon_fasta_from_alignments \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus \
--taxon genus_species1 \
--output /path/to/output/file.fasta
Preparing concatenated alignment data for analysis
Formatting data for analysis generally involves slight differences from the steps described above. There are several application-specific programs in phyluce.
For RAxML, you need a concatenated phylip file. This is pretty easily created if you have an input directory of nexus alignments. To create a concatenated phylip file from many input alignments, run:
phyluce_align_concanatenate_alignments \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-raxml \
This will output a concatenated file named mafft-raxml.phylip
. It will also include a charset file,
MrBayes (Nexus format)
You can create a Nexus-formatted file for programs like MrBayes and Paup with:
phyluce_align_concanatenate_alignments \
--alignments /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-nexus \
--output /path/to/uce/taxon-set1/mafft-raxml \
The charsets will be included in the Nexus file.