Phylogenomics offers the possibility of helping to resolve the Tree of Life. To do this, we often need either very cheap sources of organismal genome data or decent methods of subsetting larger genomes (e.g., vertebrates; 1 Gbp) such that we can collect data from across the genome in an efficient and economical fashion, find the regions of each genome that are shared among organisms, and attempt to infer the evolutionary history of the organisms in which we’re interested using the data we collect.
Genome reduction techniques offer one way to collect these types of data from both small- and large-genome organisms. These “reduction” techniques include various flavors of amplicon sequencing, RAD-seq (Restriction site Associated DNA markers), RNA-seq (transcriptome sequencing), and sequence capture methods.
phyluce is a software package for working with data generated from sequence capture of UCE (ultra-conserved element) loci, as first published in [BCF2012]. Specifically, phyluce is a suite of programs to:
assemble raw sequence reads from Illumina platforms into contigs
determine which contigs represent UCE loci
filter potentially paralagous UCE loci
generate different sets of UCE loci across taxa of interest
Additionally, phyluce is capable of the following tasks, which are generally suited to any number of phylogenomic analyses:
produce large-scale alignments of these loci in parallel
manipulate alignment data prior to further analysis
convert alignment data between formats
compute statistics on alignments and other data
phyluce is written to process data/individuals/samples/species in parallel, where possible, to speed execution. Parallelism is achieved through the use of the Python multiprocessing module, and most computations are suited to workstation-class machines or servers (i.e., rather than clusters). Where cluster-based analyses are needed, phyluce will produce the necessary outputs for input to the cluster/program that you are running so that you can setup the run according to your cluster design, job scheduling system, etc. Clusters are simply too heterogenous to do a good job at this part of the analytical workflow.
Longer-term goals (v2.0.0+ and beyond)
We are also working towards adding:
Who wrote this?
This documentation was written primarily by Brant Faircloth (http://faircloth-lab.org). Brant is also responsible for the development of most of the phyluce code. Bugs within the code are usually his.
You can find additional authors and contributors in the Attributions section.
How do I report bugs?
To report a bug, please post an issue to https://github.com/faircloth-lab/phyluce/issues. Please also ensure that you are using one of the “supported” operating systems and a supported installation method. Please see the Installation section for more details.