Quality Control
When you receive your data from the sequencer, typically they are already demultiplexed (split by sequence tags) for you. If your data are from the MiSeq, they may also have been trimmed of adapter contamination.
If your data are not demultiplexed, they can come in a vast array of different types, although one common type are so-called BCL-files. Regardless, if your data are not demultiplexed fastq files, you will need to talk to your sequencing provider about how to accomplish demultiplexing. I provide an unsupported guide to demultiplexing BCL files using Casava or bcl2fastq here and a guide to demultiplexing fastq data here
Regardless, you need to do a fair bit of quality control on your read data. At a minimum, this includes:
getting some idea of how much data you have
trimming adapter contamination of reads
trimming low quality bases from reads
Although the MiSeq may trim some adapter contamination, running your reads through an additional round of trimming won’t hurt. There is also lots of evidence showing that quality control of your read data has a large effect on your overall success, particularly for the most common way of working with data in phyluce. Bottom line is: garbage in, garbage out.
Read Counts
The first thing to do once you have your read data in hand is to to get an idea of the split of reads among your samples. This does two things:
Allows you to determine how well you split the run among your indexes/sequence tags
Shows you which samples may be suboptimal (have very few reads)
Really unequal read counts mean that you may want to switch up your library quantification process (or your pooling steps, prior to enrichment). Suboptimal read counts for particular libraries may or may not mean that the enrichments of those samples “failed”, but it’s generally a reasonable indication.
You can get read counts in one of two way - the first is very simple, the second uses phyluce.
Count reads using shell tools
You can get a quick and dirty idea of the number of reads you have for each sample using simple shell or “terminal” tools - counting lines in lots of files is a task that’s really suited to UNIX-like operating systems. As mentioned in Tutorial I: UCE Phylogenomics section, we can do this several ways. We’ll use tools from unix, because they are fast. The next line of code will count the lines in each R1 file (which should be equal to the reads in the R2 file) and divide that number by 4 to get the number of sequence reads.
for i in *_R1_*.fastq.gz; do echo $i; gunzip -c $i | wc -l | awk '{print $1/4}'; done
The number of reads in the R2 files, if you have paired-end data, should always be equal.
Get read counts using phyluce
There is a bit of code in phyluce that lets you count reads. To use it, you pass the code the directory containing reads you want to summarize and run:
phyluce_assembly_get_fastq_lengths --input /directory/containing/reads/ --csv; done
You can run this across many directories of reads as described in Tutorial I: UCE Phylogenomics.
Adapter- and quality-trimming
Generally speaking, Casava and bcl2fastq, the two programs used to demultiplex sequence data from Illumina platforms, output fastq files in a format similar to the following:
What you want to do is to clean these reads of adapter contamination and trim low-quality bases from all reads (and probably also drop reads containing “N” (ambiguous) bases. Then you want to interleave the resulting data, where read pairs are maintained, and also have an output file of singleton data, where read pairs are not.
You can do this however you like. phyluce assumes that the results structure of your data after trimming will look like the following (replace genus_species with your taxon names):
This can be accomplished in an automated fashion using illumiprocessor.
Trimming with illumiprocessor
You can run your adapter and quality trimming and output the files in the correct format using a program I wrote called illumiprocessor. It automates these processes over hundred of files and produces output in the format we want downstream.
You need to generate a configuration file your-illumiprocessor.conf
, that
gives details of your reads, how you want them processed, and what renaming
options to use. There are several variations in formatting required
depending on the library preparation method that you used.
See the documentation for illumiprocessor for configuration information.
You can run illumiprocessor against your data (in demultiplexed) with the
following. If you do not have a multicore machine, you may want to run with
. Additionally, multicore operations require a fair amount of RAM,
so if you’re low on RAM, run with fewer cores:
illumiprocessor \
--input demultiplexed \
--output uce-clean \
--config your-illumiprocesser.conf \
--cores 12
The clean data will appear in uce-clean
with the following structure:
genus_species1-READ1.fastq.gz (symlink)
genus_species1-READ2.fastq.gz (symlink)
genus_species2-READ1.fastq.gz (symlink)
genus_species2-READ2.fastq.gz (symlink)
You are now ready to move onto Assembly of the cleaned read data.