Tutorial IV: Identifying UCE Loci and Designing Baits To Target Them

The first few tutorials have given you a feel for how to perform phylogenetic/phylogeographic analyses using existing probe sets, new data, and genomes. However, what if you are working on a set of organisms without a probe set targeting conserved loci? How do you identify those loci and design baits to target them? This Tutorial shows you how to do that.

In the examples below, we’ll follow a UCE identification and probe design workflow using data from Coleoptera (beetles). Although you can follow the entire tutorial from beginning to end, I’ve also made the BAM files containing mapped reads available, which lets you skip the computationally exepensive step of performing read simulation and alignment.

Starting directory structure

To keep things clear, we’re going to assume you are working in some directory, which I’ll call uce-coleoptera. We’ll be working from the top of this directory in the steps below:


Data download and preparation

Download the genomes


You do not neccessarily need to do this as part of this tutorial for UCE identification and probe design - If you only want to follow the steps for locus identification (skipping probe design and in-silico testing), you can simply download the prepared FASTQ/BAM files from figshare.

Make a directory to hold the genome sequences:

> mkdir genomes
> cd genomes

Now, get the genome sequences:

# Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorned beetle)
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/390/285/GCA_000390285.1_Agla_1.0/GCA_000390285.1_Agla_1.0_genomic.fna.gz

# Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer)
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/699/045/GCA_000699045.1_Apla_1.0/GCA_000699045.1_Apla_1.0_genomic.fna.gz

# Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle)
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/500/325/GCA_000500325.1_Ldec_1.5/GCA_000500325.1_Ldec_1.5_genomic.fna.gz

# Onthophagus taurus (beetles)
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/648/695/GCA_000648695.1_Otau_1.0/GCA_000648695.1_Otau_1.0_genomic.fna.gz

# Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetle)
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/355/655/GCA_000355655.1_DendPond_male_1.0/GCA_000355655.1_DendPond_male_1.0_genomic.fna.gz

# Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle)
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/002/335/GCA_000002335.2_Tcas_3.0/GCA_000002335.2_Tcas_3.0_genomic.fna.gz

# Mengenilla moldrzyki (twisted-wing parasites) [Outgroup]
> wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/281/935/GCA_000281935.1_Memo_1.0/GCA_000281935.1_Memo_1.0_genomic.fna.gz

You need to unzip all of the genome sequences

> gunzip *

Finally, your directory structure should look something like:

└── genomes
    ├── GCA_000002335.2_Tcas_3.0_genomic.fna
    ├── GCA_000281935.1_Memo_1.0_genomic.fna
    ├── GCA_000355655.1_DendPond_male_1.0_genomic.fna
    ├── GCA_000390285.1_Agla_1.0_genomic.fna
    ├── GCA_000500325.1_Ldec_1.5_genomic.fna
    ├── GCA_000648695.1_Otau_1.0_genomic.fna
    └── GCA_000699045.1_Apla_1.0_genomic.fna

Cleanup the genome sequences


You do not neccessarily need to do this as part of this tutorial for UCE identification and probe design - If you only want to follow the steps for locus identification (skipping probe design and in-silico testing), you can simply download the prepared FASTQ/BAM files from figshare.

When you get genome sequences from NCBI, the FASTA headers of most scaffold/contigs contain a lot of extra cruft that can cause problems with some of the steps in the UCE identification and probe design workflow. I usually remove the extra stuff, maintaining only the accession number information for each contig / scaffold. To do that, I use a little python script that looks like the following:

from Bio import SeqIO
with open("Name_of_Genome_File.fna", "rU") as infile:
with open("outfileName.fasta", "w") as outf:
    for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
        seq.name = ""
        seq.description = ""

For these genome assemblies, the important bits are in the FASTA header just before the space in the name. The code above basically keeps this information before the space and discards the remaining FASTA header information.

In the case of the genomes above, here are the commands I ran (note also that this creates an output file with a different name from the input file):

from Bio import SeqIO

# Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorned beetle)
with open("GCA_000390285.1_Agla_1.0_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("anoGla1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

# Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer)
with open("GCA_000699045.1_Apla_1.0_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("agrPla1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

# Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetle)
with open("GCA_000355655.1_DendPond_male_1.0_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("denPon1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

# Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle)
with open("GCA_000500325.1_Ldec_1.5_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("lepDec1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

# Mengenilla moldrzyki (twisted-wing parasites) [Outgroup]
with open("GCA_000281935.1_Memo_1.0_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("menMol1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

# Onthophagus taurus (beetles)
with open("GCA_000648695.1_Otau_1.0_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("ontTau1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

# Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle)
with open("GCA_000002335.2_Tcas_3.0_genomic.fna", "rU") as infile:
    with open("triCas1.fasta", "w") as outf:
        for seq in SeqIO.parse(infile, 'fasta'):
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

Now, you can remove the original files downloaded from NCBI:

rm *.fna

And, your directory structure should look something like:

└── genomes
    ├── anoGla1.fasta
    ├── agrPla1.fasta
    ├── denPon1.fasta
    ├── lepDec1.fasta
    ├── menMol1.fasta
    ├── ontTau1.fasta
    └── triCas1.fasta

Put genomes in their own directories

Because of some historical reasons (and how I organize our lab data), each genome sequence needs to be in its own directory. We can do that pretty easily by running:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd genomes
> for critter in *; do mkdir ${critter%.*}; mv $critter ${critter%.*}; done

Now the directory structure looks like:

└── genomes
    ├── agrPla1
    │   └── agrPla1.fasta
    ├── anoGla1
    │   └── anoGla1.fasta
    ├── denPon1
    │   └── denPon1.fasta
    ├── lepDec1
    │   └── lepDec1.fasta
    ├── menMol1
    │   └── menMol1.fasta
    ├── ontTau1
    │   └── ontTau1.fasta
    └── triCas1
        └── triCas1.fasta

Convert genomes to 2bit format

Later during the workflow, we’re going to need to have our genomes in 2bit format, which is a binary format for genomic data that is easier and faster to work with than FASTA format. We’ll use a BASH script to convert all of the sequences, above, to 2bit format:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd genomes
> for critter in *; do faToTwoBit $critter/$critter.fasta $critter/${critter%.*}.2bit; done

Now the directory structure looks like:

└── genomes
    ├── agrPla1
    │   ├── agrPla1.2bit
    │   └── agrPla1.fasta
    ├── anoGla1
    │   ├── anoGla1.2bit
    │   └── anoGla1.fasta
    ├── denPon1
    │   ├── denPon1.2bit
    │   └── denPon1.fasta
    ├── lepDec1
    │   ├── lepDec1.2bit
    │   └── lepDec1.fasta
    ├── menMol1
    │   ├── menMol1.2bit
    │   └── menMol1.fasta
    ├── ontTau1
    │   ├── ontTau1.2bit
    │   └── ontTau1.fasta
    └── triCas1
        ├── triCas1.2bit
        └── triCas1.fasta

Simulate reads from genomes


You do not neccessarily need to take this step as part of the tutorial - you can simply download prepared, simulated FASTQ files from figshare.

In order to locate UCE loci across a selection of different genomes, we’re going to align reads from each taxon, above, to a reference genome sequence (the “base” genome sequence) using a permissive raw read aligner. You can use reads from low-coverage, genome scans or you can use reads simulated from particular genomes. In this tutorial, we’re going to use this latter approach and simulate reads (without sequencing error) from the genomes that we will align to the base genome. To accomplish this, we’ll use art, which is a robust read simulator that is reasonably flexible.

Because we’re using simulated reads to locate UCE loci, we want to turn off the built-in feature of art that adds some sequencing error to simulated reads. This results in a general form of the call to art that looks like:

> art_illumina \
    --paired \
    --in ~/path/to/input/genome.fasta \
    --out prefix-of-output-file \
    --len 100 \
    --fcov 2 \
    --mflen 200 \
    --sdev 150 \
    -ir 0.0 -ir2 0.0 -dr 0.0 -dr2 0.0 -qs 100 -qs2 100 -na

This simulates reads from the –in genome.fasta that are 100 bp in length, cover the genome randomly to roughly 2X, have an insert size of 200 bp, and have an inserts size standard deviation of 150. The last line turns off the simulation of sequencing error in each of these reads and also turns off the creation of an alignment file showing where the reads came from in the genome sequence.

In the case of the Coleoptera genomes you downloaded, here are the commands I ran to simulate the read data that we will use in the next step (note also that this creates an output file with a different name from the input file). First, create a directory to hold the simulated read data:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> mkdir reads
> cd reads

Then, simulate the reads using art:

> art_illumina \
    --paired \
    --in ../genomes/agrPla1/agrPla1.fasta \
    --out agrPla1-pe100-reads \
    --len 100 --fcov 2 --mflen 200 --sdev 150 -ir 0.0 -ir2 0.0 -dr 0.0 -dr2 0.0 -qs 100 -qs2 100 -na

> art_illumina \
    --paired \
    --in ../genomes/anoGla1/anoGla1.fasta \
    --out anoGla1-pe100-reads \
    --len 100 --fcov 2 --mflen 200 --sdev 150 -ir 0.0 -ir2 0.0 -dr 0.0 -dr2 0.0 -qs 100 -qs2 100 -na

> art_illumina \
    --paired \
    --in ../genomes/denPon1/denPon1.fasta \
    --out denPon1-pe100-reads \
    --len 100 --fcov 2 --mflen 200 --sdev 150 -ir 0.0 -ir2 0.0 -dr 0.0 -dr2 0.0 -qs 100 -qs2 100 -na

> art_illumina \
    --paired \
    --in ../genomes/lepDec1/lepDec1.fasta \
    --out lepDec1-pe100-reads \
    --len 100 --fcov 2 --mflen 200 --sdev 150 -ir 0.0 -ir2 0.0 -dr 0.0 -dr2 0.0 -qs 100 -qs2 100 -na

> art_illumina \
    --paired \
    --in ../genomes/ontTau1/ontTau1.fasta \
    --out ontTau1-pe100-reads \
    --len 100 --fcov 2 --mflen 200 --sdev 150 -ir 0.0 -ir2 0.0 -dr 0.0 -dr2 0.0 -qs 100 -qs2 100 -na

Now, you should see 2 read files for each taxon. We are going to “break” the pairs by merging the read information together, then we are going to zip the resulting file that contains the R1 and R2 data. We can accomplish this pretty easily using a quick BASH script:


Note that we’ve dropped menMol1 from the read simulation process. This is largely because it is an outgroup to beetles. We’ll use it later, when we’re performing in silico tests of the UCE bait set.

for critter in agrPla1 anoGla1 denPon1 lepDec1 ontTau1;
        echo "working on $critter";
        touch $critter-pe100-reads.fq;
        cat $critter-pe100-reads1.fq > $critter-pe100-reads.fq;
        cat $critter-pe100-reads2.fq >> $critter-pe100-reads.fq;
        rm $critter-pe100-reads1.fq;
        rm $critter-pe100-reads2.fq;
        gzip $critter-pe100-reads.fq;

If we take a look at our directory structure, it should look like:

├── genomes (collapsed)
└── reads
    ├── anoGla1-pe100-reads.fq.gz
    ├── agrPla1-pe100-reads.fq.gz
    ├── denPon1-pe100-reads.fq.gz
    ├── lepDec1-pe100-reads.fq.gz
    └── ontTau1-pe100-reads.fq.gz

Read alignment to the base genome


You do not neccessarily need to run this step as part of the tutorial - you can simply download the prepared, BAM files from figshare.

Because we also provide the BAM files created below, you can choose to just start with the BAM files in the Conserved locus identification section.

Prepare the base genome

Now that we have read data representing each of our exemplar taxa, we need to align these reads to the “base” genome sequence, in this case the genome sequence of Tribolium castaneum (aka triCas1). We selected this assembly as the “base” genome because of it’s age (i.e., better-assembled) and level of annotation.

We will perform the read alignments to triCas1 using the permissive read aligner, stampy, which works well when aligning sequences to a divergent reference sequence. Hoever, before running the alignments, we need to prepare the base genome. And, before we do that, let’s create a direcetory to work in:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> mkdir base
> cd base

Now, let’s copy the base genome to this directory (for simplicity):

> cp ../genomes/triCas1.fasta ./

If we take a look at our directory structure, it now looks like:

├── base
│   └── triCas1.fasta
├── genomes
│   ├── agrPla1
│   │   ├── agrPla1.2bit
│   │   └── agrPla1.fasta
│   ├── anoGla1
│   │   ├── anoGla1.2bit
│   │   └── anoGla1.fasta
│   ├── denPon1
│   │   ├── denPon1.2bit
│   │   └── denPon1.fasta
│   ├── lepDec1
│   │   ├── lepDec1.2bit
│   │   └── lepDec1.fasta
│   ├── menMol1
│   │   ├── menMol1.2bit
│   │   └── menMol1.fasta
│   ├── ontTau1
│   │   ├── ontTau1.2bit
│   │   └── ontTau1.fasta
│   └── triCas1
│       ├── triCas1.2bit
│       └── triCas1.fasta
└── reads
    ├── anoGla1-pe100-reads
    ├── agrPla1-pe100-reads
    ├── denPon1-pe100-reads
    ├── lepDec1-pe100-reads
    └── ontTau1-pe100-reads

Now, we need to run the commands to prepare the triCas1 genome for use with stampy:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd base
> stampy.py --species="tribolium-castaneum" --assembly="triCas1" -G triCas1 triCas1.fasta
> stampy.py -g triCas1 -H triCas1

If we look at our directory structure, it should look like:

├── base
│   ├── triCas1.fasta
│   ├── triCas1.sthash
│   └── triCas1.stidx
├── genomes (collapsed)
└── reads
    ├── anoGla1-pe100-reads
    ├── agrPla1-pe100-reads
    ├── denPon1-pe100-reads
    ├── lepDec1-pe100-reads
    └── ontTau1-pe100-reads

Align reads to the base genome


You do not neccessarily need to run this step as part of the tutorial - you can simply download the prepared, BAM files from figshare.

Because we also provide the BAM files created below, you can choose to just start with the BAM files in the Conserved locus identification section.

Now that we’ve prepared our base genome, we need to perform the actual alignment of the simulated reads to the base genome. And, before we do that, let’s create a directory to hold the resulting alignments:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> mkdir alignments

Our resulting directory structure should now look like:

├── alignments
├── base
│   ├── triCas1.fasta
│   ├── triCas1.sthash
│   └── triCas1.stidx
├── genomes (collapsed)
└── reads
    ├── anoGla1-pe100-reads
    ├── agrPla1-pe100-reads
    ├── denPon1-pe100-reads
    ├── lepDec1-pe100-reads
    └── ontTau1-pe100-reads

Now, we need to perform the alignments on a taxon-by-taxon basis (and/or you can run these in parallel using HPC). To do this easily (and on a local computer) we can use a BASH script to run the alignments serially:


Note that I am using 16 physical CPU cores ($cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

export cores=16
export base=triCas1
export base_dir=$HOME/uce-coleoptera/alignments
for critter in agrPla1 anoGla1 denPon1 lepDec1 ontTau1;
        export reads=$critter-pe100-reads.fq.gz;
        mkdir -p $base_dir/$critter;
        cd $base_dir/$critter;
        stampy.py --maxbasequal 93 -g ../../base/$base -h ../../base/$base \
        --substitutionrate=0.05 -t$cores --insertsize=400 -M \
        ../../reads/$reads | samtools view -Sb - > $critter-to-$base.bam;

This code basically loops over each exemplar genomes, aligns the reads to the base genome sequence, and converts the resulting output to BAM format (which is a binary, compressed version of SAM format).

When the alignments have completed, your directory structure should look something like:

├── alignments
│    ├── anoGla1
│    │   └── anoGla1-to-triCas1.bam
│    ├── agrPla1
│    │   └── agrPla1-to-triCas1.bam
│    ├── denPon1
│    │   └── denPon1-to-triCas1.bam
│    ├── lepDec1
│    │   └── lepDec1-to-triCas1.bam
│    └── ontTau1
│        └── ontTau1-to-triCas1.bam
├── base
│   ├── triCas1.fasta
│   ├── triCas1.sthash
│   └── triCas1.stidx
├── genomes (collapsed)
└── reads
    ├── anoGla1-pe100-reads
    ├── agrPla1-pe100-reads
    ├── denPon1-pe100-reads
    ├── lepDec1-pe100-reads
    └── ontTau1-pe100-reads

Now, these BAM files are pretty large because they contain all mapped as well as all unmapped reads. We want to remove those unmapped reads, which will also reduce file-size. We can do that using samtools view and a BASH script. We’re also going to create a directory named all and symlink all of the reduced BAM files to this directory.


The script, as-written, removes the BAM files containing both mapped and unmapped reads. If you don’t want to do this, remove the rm $critter/$critter-to-triCas1.bam; line.

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd alignments
> mkdir all
> for critter in agrPla1 anoGla1 denPon1 lepDec1 ontTau1;
        samtools view -h -F 4 -b $critter/$critter-to-triCas1.bam > $critter/$critter-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam;
        rm $critter/$critter-to-triCas1.bam;
        ln -s ../$critter/$critter-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam all/$critter-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam;

Now, your directory structure should look something like:

├── alignments
│    ├── anoGla1
│    │   └── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    ├── all
│    │   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../agrPla1/agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    │   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../anoGla1/anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    │   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../denPon1/denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    │   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../lepDec1/lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    │   └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../ontTau1/ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    ├── agrPla1
│    │   └── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    ├── denPon1
│    │   └── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    ├── lepDec1
│    │   └── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│    └── ontTau1
│        └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
├── base
│   ├── triCas1.fasta
│   ├── triCas1.sthash
│   └── triCas1.stidx
├── genomes (collapsed)
└── reads
    ├── anoGla1-pe100-reads
    ├── agrPla1-pe100-reads
    ├── denPon1-pe100-reads
    ├── lepDec1-pe100-reads
    └── ontTau1-pe100-reads

These *-MAPPING.bam files are available from figshare.

What it all means

Basically, because we’ve now mapped simulated (or actual) sequence data from several exemplar taxa to a closely-related “base” genome sequence, we’ve essentially identified putatively orthologous loci shared between the exemplar taxa and the base taxon. These conserved regions are where the simulated (or actual) sequene data mapped with a sequence divergence of < 5%.

Now, we need to filter this large number of conserved regions to remove things like repetitive regions, but also to find which loci are shared among all exemplar taxa - not simply a single exemplar and the base taxon.

Conserved locus identification

You can download the alignment data generated in the steps above from figshare for use in subsequent steps, rather than generating them youself (thus, saving you time).


If you are starting the tutorial at this position after downloading the *-MAPPING.bam files from figshare, then you will need to create a directory to work in named uce-coleoptera and then place all of the *-MAPPING.bam files in a subdirectory of uce-coleoptera names alignments/all. Your resulting directory structure should look like:

├── alignments
│   └── all
│       ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../agrPla1/agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../anoGla1/anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../denPon1/denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../lepDec1/lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam -> ../ontTau1/ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
└── genomes (collapsed)

If you want to go beyond conserved locus identification and design probes from the target taxa, you will also need to download the appropriate genomes. See the Data download and preparation section.

Convert BAMS to BEDS

In the steps above, we have generated BAM files representing reads that stampy has mapped to the base genome. Those reads that map align to putatively conserved sequence regions (that we need to filter), and these alignments of mapping reads should reside in our alignments/all directory.

To begin the filtering process, we’re going to convert each BAM file to BED format, which is an interval-based format that is easy and fast to manipulate with a software suite known as bedtools. But before we do that, we are doing to create a bed directory to hold all of these BED format files.

> cd uce-coleoptera

# make a directory to hold the BED data
> mkdir bed
> cd bed

# now, convert our *-MAPPING.bam files to BED format
> for i in ../alignments/all/*.bam; do echo $i; bedtools bamtobed -i $i -bed12 > `basename $i`.bed; done

Your directory structure should look something like:

├── alignments
│   └── all
│       ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
│       └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
└── genomes (collapsed)

Sort the converted BEDs

Before moving forward with the merge command, below, we need to sort the resulting BED files, which orders each lines of data in the BED file by chromosome/scaffold/contig and position along that chromosome/scaffold/contig. Again, we can do this with some bash scripting:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd bed
> for i in *.bed; do echo $i; bedtools sort -i $i > ${i%.*}.sort.bed; done

Your directory structure should look something like the following (note that I have collapsed the directory listing for all):

├── alignments
│   └── all (collapsed)
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
└── genomes (collapsed)

Merge overlapping or nearly-overlapping intervals

Because there may be small gaps between proximate regions of conservation (which may result because we’re using data that are either from low-coverage, simulated reads or low-coverage actual reads) we need to merge together putative regions of conservation that are proximate. Luckily bedtools has a handy tool to do that - the merge function.

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd bed
> for i in *.bam.sort.bed; do echo $i; bedtools merge -i $i > ${i%.*}.merge.bed; done

Your directory structure should look something like the following (note that I have collapsed the directory listing for all):

├── alignments
│   └── all (collapsed)
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
└── genomes (collapsed)

To get some idea of the total number of merged, putatively conserved regions in each exemplar taxon that are shared with the base genome, we can simply loop over the files and count the number of lines in each:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd bed

> for i in *.bam.sort.merge.bed; do wc -l $i; done
19810 agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
48350 anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
21390 denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
33144 lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
25188 ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed

Remove repetitive intervals

At this point, we’ve mapped reads to the base genome, kept those regions where reads mapped, converted that to a BED, and merged intervals that are very close to one another.

What we have not done is remove any putatively conserved intervals shared between exemplar taxa and the base genome that are repetitive regions. To do this, we’re going to run a python program over all of the BED files for each exemplar taxon. This program will look at the intervals shared between the exemplar taxon and the base genome and it will remove intervals where the base genome is shorter than 80 bp and where > 25 % of the base genome is masked.

> cd uce-coleoptera
> cd bed

> for i in *.sort.merge.bed;
        phyluce_probe_strip_masked_loci_from_set \
            --bed $i \
            --twobit ../genomes/triCas1/triCas1.2bit \
            --output ${i%.*}.strip.bed \
            --filter-mask 0.25 \
            --min-length 80

Screened 19810 sequences from agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed.  Filtered 3113 with > 25.0% masked bases or > 0 N-bases or < 80 length. Kept 16697.
Screened 48350 sequences from anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed.  Filtered 13226 with > 25.0% masked bases or > 0 N-bases or < 80 length. Kept 35124.
Screened 21390 sequences from denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed.  Filtered 3008 with > 25.0% masked bases or > 0 N-bases or < 80 length. Kept 18382.
Screened 33144 sequences from lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed.  Filtered 6585 with > 25.0% masked bases or > 0 N-bases or < 80 length. Kept 26559.
Screened 25188 sequences from ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed.  Filtered 6505 with > 25.0% masked bases or > 0 N-bases or < 80 length. Kept 18683.

When this finishes, your directory structure should look like:

├── alignments
│   └── all (collapsed)
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
└── genomes (collapsed)

Determining locus presence in multiple genomes

Up to this point, we’ve been processing each file on a taxon-by-taxon basis, where each taxon had data aligned to the base genome. Now, we need to determine which loci are conserved across taxa. To do that, we first need to prepare a configuration file (named bed-files.conf) that gives the paths to each of our *.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed files. That file needs to be in configuration file format, like so:


The [beds] line is the “header” line, and that is followed by each taxon name (on the left) and the name of the BED file we want to process (on the right). You should place this file in the bed directory. If you place it elsewhere, you’ll need to use full paths on the right hand side.

Your directory structure should now look like (note new bed-files.conf)

├── alignments
│   └── all (collapsed)
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── bed-files.conf
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   └── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
└── genomes (collapsed)

Now, we’re going to run the following program, that creates a record of which alignment intervals are shared among taxa. We need to pass the location of the bed-files.conf to this program, along with the name of our base genome, and a name for the output database that will be created:

> phyluce_probe_get_multi_merge_table \
    --conf bed-files.conf \
    --base-taxon triCas1 \
    --output coleoptera-to-triCas1.sqlite

Creating database
Inserting results

The program shows the results of inserting data for each exemplar taxon that we’ve selected. If we take a look at the table contents (see The probe.matches.sqlite database for more instructions on sqlite databases), we see something like the following:

sqlite> select * from triCas1 limit 10;
uce         chromo      start       stop        agrpla1     anogla1     denpon1     lepdec1     onttau1
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
1           GG695505.1  532         632         1           1           0           0           1
2           GG695547.1  826         926         0           1           0           0           0
3           GG695547.1  1121        1221        0           1           0           0           0
4           GG695547.1  1293        1393        0           1           0           0           0
5           GG694821.1  1002        1102        0           0           0           1           0
6           GG695519.1  73          193         0           1           1           0           0
7           GG695519.1  222         380         1           0           1           0           1
8           GG695519.1  925         1129        1           1           1           0           1
9           DS497688.1  17907       18022       0           0           1           0           0
10          DS497688.1  19840       19934       0           1           0           0           0

The first row of this table (which is limited to 10 rows of results by the query although it is 60699 rows long) shows that for triCas1 contig GG695505.1, agrpla1, anogla1, and onttau1 have reads that overlap at position 532 to 632.

Determining shared, conserved, loci

Now that we have our table of results, we can run a quick query (using a Python program) against the table to look at results, more generally. The following code queries the database and writes out the number of loci shared by the base taxon (triCas1) and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (all) of the exemplar taxa that we’ve aligned to the base genome. You need to give the program the path to the database created above and the name of the base taxon:

> phyluce_probe_query_multi_merge_table \
        --db coleoptera-to-triCas1.sqlite  \
        --base-taxon triCas1

Loci shared by triCas1 + 0 taxa:    60,699.0
Loci shared by triCas1 + 1 taxa:    60,699.0
Loci shared by triCas1 + 2 taxa:    32,431.0
Loci shared by triCas1 + 3 taxa:    15,834.0
Loci shared by triCas1 + 4 taxa:    6,471.0
Loci shared by triCas1 + 5 taxa:    1,822.0

The output from this program basically says that, if we are interested in only those loci found in all exemplar taxa that align to the base genome, there are 1,822 of those. Similarly, if we’re willing to be a little less strict about things, there are 6,471 conserved loci that are shared by triCas1 and 4 of the exemplar taxa.

Question: How conservative should I be?

Basically, the question boils down to “Should I select only the set of loci shared by all exemplars and the base genome or shoul I be more liberal?”. It’s also a hard question to answer. In most cases, I’m pretty happy selecting n-1 or n-2 where n is the total number of exemplar taxa. In the example below, however, we’ve selected n as the “ideal”. This is largely because we have so little information about coleopteran genomes - so we want to be pretty darn sure these loci are found in most/all of them.

Now that we have a general sense of the number of conserved loci in each class of sharing across exemplars (e.g. 5 (all), 4, 3, 2, 1), we need to extract those loci that fall within one of these classes. In this case (and as noted in the box, above), we’re going to ouput only those conserved loci that we’ve identified as being shared between the base genome and all exemplars. We do that with a slightly different Python script. This script takes the database name, the base genome, the count of exemplar taxa shared across, and the name of an output file as input. The output file will be BED formatted.

> phyluce_probe_query_multi_merge_table \
        --db coleoptera-to-triCas1.sqlite \
        --base-taxon triCas1 \
        --output triCas1+5.bed \
        --specific-counts 5

Counter({'anogla1': 1822, 'lepdec1': 1822, 'agrpla1': 1822, 'denpon1': 1822, 'onttau1': 1822})

Conserved locus validation

Extract FASTA sequence from base genome for temp bait design

Now that we’ve indentified conserved sequences shared among the base genome and the exemplar taxa, we need to start designing baits to capture these loci. The first step in this process is to extract FASTA sequences from the base genome that correspond to the loci we’ve identified. We do that with a Python script that takes as input the BED file we created, above, the 2bit-formatted base genomes, a length of sequence we want to extract (160 bp), and an output FASTA filename.

Question: Why buffer to 160 bp?

We are extracting FASTA regions of 160 bp because that allows us to place 2 baits right in the center of this region at 3x tiling density which means that standard 120 bp baits will overlap by 40 bp and have 80 bp to each side (total length 160 bp).

To run the code, we use:

> phyluce_probe_get_genome_sequences_from_bed \
        --bed triCas1+5.bed  \
        --twobit ../genomes/triCas1/triCas1.2bit \
        --buffer-to 160 \
        --output triCas1+5.fasta

Screened 1822 sequences.  Filtered 7 < 160 bp or with > 25.0% masked bases or > 0 N-bases. Kept 1815.

That should produce a fasta file whose contents look similar to:

>slice_0 |DS497688.1:249724-250111
>slice_1 |DS497688.1:250513-250673
>slice_2 |DS497688.1:250682-250991

Design a temporary bait set from the base taxon

Now that we’ve extracted the appropriate loci from the base genome, we need to design bait sequences targeting these loci. For that, we use a different Python script. This program takes as input the FASTA file we just created, and some design-specific information (–probe-prefix, –design, –designer). The design options (–tiling-density, –two-probes, –overlap) ensure that we select two baits per locus with 3x tiling that overlap the middle of the targeted locus. Finally, we remove (–masking, –remove-gc) potentially problematic baits with >25% repeat content and GC content outside of the range of 30-70% (30 % > GC > 70%).

> phyluce_probe_get_tiled_probes \
    --input triCas1+5.fasta \
    --probe-prefix "uce-" \
    --design coleoptera-v1 \
    --designer faircloth \
    --tiling-density 3 \
    --two-probes \
    --overlap middle \
    --masking 0.25 \
    --remove-gc \
    --output triCas1+5.temp.probes

Probes removed for masking (.) / low GC % (G) / ambiguous bases (N):

Conserved locus count = 1805
Probe Count = 3602

Remove duplicates from our temporary bait set

Because we haven’t search for duplicates among our loci and because reducing longer reads to shorter ones (e.g. designing baits from loci) can introduce duplicate baits, we need to screen the resulting bait set for duplicates. To do that, we follow a 2-stage process - first to align all probes to themselves then to use those alignments to remove potentially duplicates baits/loci. First we run a lastz search of all baits to themselves. This program takes as input the temp probes we just designed (as both –target and –query), relatively low values for –identity and –coverage to make sure we identify as many duplicates as possible, and the program writes these results to the –output file:

> phyluce_probe_easy_lastz \
    --target triCas1+5.temp.probes \
    --query triCas1+5.temp.probes \
    --identity 50 --coverage 50 \
    --output triCas1+5.temp.probes-TO-SELF-PROBES.lastz

Started:  Fri Jun 03, 2016  13:57:54
Ended:  Fri Jun 03, 2016  13:57:55
Time for execution:  0.0284410158793 minutes

Now that we’ve run the alignments, we need to screen them alignments and remove the duplicate baits from the bait set. This program takes as input the lastz results from above and the temp-probe file, as well as the probe-prefix that we used during probe design, above. The results are written to a file that is equivalent to the probe file name + DUPE-SCREENED, so in this case the output file is named triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes.

> phyluce_probe_remove_duplicate_hits_from_probes_using_lastz \
    --fasta triCas1+5.temp.probes  \
    --lastz triCas1+5.temp.probes-TO-SELF-PROBES.lastz \

Parsing lastz file...
Screening results...
Screened 3601 fasta sequences.  Filtered 292 duplicates. Kept 3019.

Align baits against exemplar genomes

Now that we have a duplicate-free (or putatively duplicate free) set of temporary baits designed from conserved loci in the base genome, we’re going to use some in-silico alignments to see if we can locate these loci in the several exemplar genomes.


For the following analyses, you need genome assemblies for each of the exemplar taxa, formatted as 2bit files.

We’ll use the results of these alignments to design a bait set that includes baits designed from the base genome, but also from the exemplar taxa. This should allow our bait set to work more consistently across broad groups of organisms.

In terms of directory structure, things should look pretty similar to the following:

├── alignments
│   └── all (collapsed)
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── bed-files.conf
│   ├── coleoptera-to-triCas1.sqlite
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── triCas1+5.bed
│   ├── triCas1+5.bed.missing.matrix
│   └── triCas1+5.fasta
└── genomes
    ├── agrPla1
    │   ├── agrPla1.2bit
    │   └── agrPla1.fasta
    ├── anoGla1
    │   ├── anoGla1.2bit
    │   └── anoGla1.fasta
    ├── denPon1
    │   ├── denPon1.2bit
    │   └── denPon1.fasta
    ├── lepDec1
    │   ├── lepDec1.2bit
    │   └── lepDec1.fasta
    ├── menMol1
    │   ├── menMol1.2bit
    │   └── menMol1.fasta
    ├── ontTau1
    │   ├── ontTau1.2bit
    │   └── ontTau1.fasta
    └── triCas1
        ├── triCas1.2bit
        └── triCas1.fasta

Note that we have all the genomes in their directory, in both FASTA and 2bit formats. We’re also have a new genome sequence in here - that of menMol1 (Mengenilla moldrzyki [twisted-wing parasites]), which represents the outgroup to Coleoptera. We’re adding this taxon because it helps us bridge the base of the tree - e.g. the divergence between the outgroup and the exemplar taxa that we’re using to design probes.

Question: What exemplar taxa should I use for bait design?

This is a really hard question to answer. In old, divergent groups with few genomic resources, the answer is usually “all the species” with genomic data. Basically, you want to include exemplars that make the divergence among baits targeting the same loci something >20% or so. That said, even this number is a bit of a guess - no one has systematically tested how “sticky” baits are when they are used to enrich loci across divergent groups. We know they are pretty sticky and in certain cases can enrich loci as much as 35%-40% divergent from the bait sequence. Generally speaking, I try to include exemplar taxa during probe design that bridge the known diversity of a given group… again, in many cases this is hard (or impossible) to know given current data. So, you may have to take a bit of a guess.

So, assuming that you have the appropriate 2bit files in uce-coleoptera/genomes, we are going to align the temporary probes that we’ve designed to the exemplar genomes, and we’re going to run these and subsequent bait design steps in a new directory, named probe-design. So:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> mkdir probe-design
> cd probe-design

Now, you’re directory structure should look like:

├── alignments
│   └── all (collapsed)
├── bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── agrPla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── anoGla1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── bed-files.conf
│   ├── coleoptera-to-triCas1.sqlite
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── denPon1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── lepDec1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── menMol1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.bed
│   ├── ontTau1-to-triCas1-MAPPING.bam.sort.merge.strip.bed
│   ├── triCas1+5.bed
│   ├── triCas1+5.bed.missing.matrix
│   └── triCas1+5.fasta
├── genomes (collapsed)
└── probe-design

We need to align the temporary probe sequences to each genome, which we can do using the following code, which takes as input our temporary probe file, the list of genomes we want to align the probes against, the path to the genomes, the minimum sequence identity to accept a match (on the low end of the spectrum for this step), and number of compute cores to use, and the name of an output database to create and the output directory in which to store the lastz results.


Note that I am using 16 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

> mkdir coleoptera-genome-lastz
> phyluce_probe_run_multiple_lastzs_sqlite \
    --probefile ../bed/triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes \
    --scaffoldlist agrPla1 anoGla1 denPon1 lepDec1 ontTau1 triCas1 menMol1 \
    --genome-base-path ../genomes \
    --identity 50 \
    --cores 16 \
    --db triCas1+5+menMol1.sqlite \
    --output coleoptera-genome-lastz

Running against agrPla1.2bit
Running with the --huge option.  Chunking files into 10000000 bp

< ... snip ... >

Cleaning up the chunked files...
Cleaning /nfs/data1/working/bfaircloth-insects/coleoptera/temp/probe-design/coleoptera-genome-lastz/triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_menMol1.lastz
Creating menMol1 table
Inserting data to menMol1 table

Extract sequence around conserved loci from exemplar genomes

Based on the alignments of the temporary probe set to the exemplar genomes, we need to extract FASTA data from each of the exemplar sequences so that we can design baits targeting the conserved loci in each. This is pretty similar to what we did earlier for the temporary probe set, except that now we’re running the extraction across all the exemplar taxa.

Before we begin, we need to make a configuration file with all the genome locations in it (again, as before):


Using the configuration file, we need to extract the FASTA sequence that we need from each exemplar taxon. Here, we’re buffering each locus to 180 bp to give us a little more room to work with during the probe design step. The program takes our config file as input, along with the folder of lastz results created above. The –name-pattern argument allows us to match files int the –lastz directory, –probes is how we buffer the sequence, and we pass the name of an output directory to –output:

> phyluce_probe_slice_sequence_from_genomes \
    --conf coleoptera-genome.conf \
    --lastz coleoptera-genome-lastz \
    --probes 180 \
    --name-pattern "triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_{}.lastz.clean" \
    --output coleoptera-genome-fasta

2016-06-03 15:07:16,642 - Phyluce - INFO - =================== Starting Phyluce: Slice Sequence ===================
2016-06-03 15:07:16,644 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on menMol1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:16,645 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading menMol1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:20,221 - Phyluce - INFO - menMol1: 884 uces, 139 dupes, 745 non-dupes, 0 orient drop, 2 length drop, 738 written
2016-06-03 15:07:20,222 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on agrPla1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:20,223 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading agrPla1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:24,759 - Phyluce - INFO - agrPla1: 1410 uces, 184 dupes, 1226 non-dupes, 7 orient drop, 63 length drop, 1156 written
2016-06-03 15:07:24,760 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on anoGla1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:24,761 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading anoGla1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:29,926 - Phyluce - INFO - anoGla1: 1474 uces, 224 dupes, 1250 non-dupes, 6 orient drop, 35 length drop, 1209 written
2016-06-03 15:07:29,926 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on denPon1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:29,929 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading denPon1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:34,472 - Phyluce - INFO - denPon1: 1361 uces, 305 dupes, 1056 non-dupes, 6 orient drop, 30 length drop, 1020 written
2016-06-03 15:07:34,472 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on lepDec1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:34,473 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading lepDec1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:40,020 - Phyluce - INFO - lepDec1: 1436 uces, 259 dupes, 1177 non-dupes, 10 orient drop, 28 length drop, 1139 written
2016-06-03 15:07:40,021 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on ontTau1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:40,022 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading ontTau1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:44,350 - Phyluce - INFO - ontTau1: 1361 uces, 206 dupes, 1155 non-dupes, 9 orient drop, 41 length drop, 1105 written
2016-06-03 15:07:44,350 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on triCas1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 15:07:44,351 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading triCas1 genome
2016-06-03 15:07:49,499 - Phyluce - INFO - triCas1: 1513 uces, 199 dupes, 1314 non-dupes, 26 orient drop, 46 length drop, 1242 written

If we look at out directory structure, it looks something like:

├── alignments (collapsed)
├── bed (collapsed)
├── genomes (collapsed)
└── probe-design
    ├── coleoptera-genome.conf
    ├── coleoptera-genome-fasta
    │   ├── agrpla1.fasta
    │   ├── anogla1.fasta
    │   ├── denpon1.fasta
    │   ├── lepdec1.fasta
    │   ├── menmol1.fasta
    │   ├── onttau1.fasta
    │   └── tricas1.fasta
    ├── coleoptera-genome-lastz
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_agrPla1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_anoGla1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_denPon1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_lepDec1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_menMol1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_ontTau1.lastz.clean
    │   └── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_triCas1.lastz.clean
    └── triCas1+5+menMol1.sqlite

The FASTA files we just created are in uce-coleoptera/coleoptera-genome-fasta. The output from the program that you see basically shows you how many UCE loci we extracted from each of the exemplar genomes. As expected, the lowest number we located and extracted are from the menMol1 (outgroup) genome.

If we have a look in one of these FASTA files, it looks like:

> less probe-design/coleoptera-genome-fasta/agrpla1.fasta


Find which loci we detect consistently

As before, we want to determine which loci we are detecting consistently across all of the exemplar taxa when doing these in-silico searches. To do that, we’ll run another bit of python code. Here, we’re working in the uce-coleoptera/coleoptera-genome-lastz directory. This program will create a relational database that houses detections of loci in the exemplar taxa. It takes, as input, the folder of FASTAs we just created, the base genome taxon, and a name to use as the output database:

> phyluce_probe_get_multi_fasta_table \
    --fastas ../coleoptera-genome-fasta \
    --output multifastas.sqlite \
    --base-taxon triCas1

Creating database
Inserting results

If we take a look at the table contents in the database (see The probe.matches.sqlite database for more instructions on sqlite databases), we see something like the following:

locus       menmol1     agrpla1     anogla1     denpon1     lepdec1     onttau1     tricas1
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
uce-500     0           1           1           0           1           1           1
uce-501     1           1           1           1           1           1           1
uce-503     1           1           1           1           0           1           1
uce-504     1           1           1           1           1           1           1
uce-505     1           0           1           0           0           1           1
uce-506     1           1           1           1           1           1           1
uce-507     0           1           1           1           1           1           1
uce-508     1           1           1           1           1           0           1
uce-509     1           0           1           1           1           1           1
uce-967     0           0           0           1           1           1           0

Which shows our detection of conserved loci in each of the exemplar taxa when we search for them using the temporary probes that we designed from the base genome. As before, we can get some idea of the distribution of hits among exemplar taxa (e.g., are loci detected in “all”, n-1 taxa, n-2 taxa, etc.).

> phyluce_probe_query_multi_fasta_table \
    --db multifastas.sqlite \
    --base-taxon triCas1

Loci shared by 0 taxa:  1,437.0
Loci shared by 1 taxa:  1,437.0
Loci shared by 2 taxa:  1,355.0
Loci shared by 3 taxa:  1,303.0
Loci shared by 4 taxa:  1,209.0
Loci shared by 5 taxa:  1,099.0
Loci shared by 6 taxa:  820.0
Loci shared by 7 taxa:  386.0

Again, we’ve got to make a decision here about how conservative we want to be regarding baits that hit all/some taxa. We only get 386 loci that we detect in all exemplars (including the base genome and the menMol1 outgroup). That seems too strict (particularly because this total includes menMol1, which is really divergent from our taxa of interest). We also have to keep in mind that we can randomly fail to detect loci that are actually present, either by chance or do to sequence divergences that are >50% (the value we used in our search). In the end, I settled on loci we detected in ≥ 4 exemplar taxa. So we need to extract those from the database and store them in triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf:

phyluce_probe_query_multi_fasta_table \
    --db multifastas.sqlite \
    --base-taxon triCas1 \
    --output triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf \
    --specific-counts 4

Counter({'tricas1': 1160, 'anogla1': 1140, 'agrpla1': 1091, 'lepdec1': 1080, 'onttau1': 1043, 'denpon1': 969, 'menmol1': 658})
Total loci = 1209

The values above show the number of loci detected in each exemplar taxon and the total number of loci we’ll be targeting with the bait set we’re about to design.

Your directory should look something like the following:

├── alignments (collapsed)
├── bed  (collapsed)
├── genomes  (collapsed)
└── probe-design
    ├── coleoptera-genome.conf
    ├── coleoptera-genome-fasta
    │   ├── agrpla1.fasta
    │   ├── anogla1.fasta
    │   ├── denpon1.fasta
    │   ├── lepdec1.fasta
    │   ├── menmol1.fasta
    │   ├── onttau1.fasta
    │   └── tricas1.fasta
    ├── coleoptera-genome-lastz
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_agrPla1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_anoGla1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_denPon1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_lepDec1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_menMol1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_ontTau1.lastz.clean
    │   └── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_triCas1.lastz.clean
    ├── multifastas.sqlite
    ├── triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf
    ├── triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf.missing.matrix
    └── triCas1+5+menMol1.sqlite

Final bait set design

Design a bait set using all exemplar genomes (and the base)

Now that we’ve settled on the set of loci we’ll try to enrich, we want to design baits to target them. In contrast to the steps we took before to design the temporary bait set, we’re using all of the exemplar genomes and the base genome to design probes. This way, we’ll have a heterogeneous bait mix that contains probes designed from each exemplar but targeting the same locus, which should make the probe set we’re designing more “universal”.

To do this, we use a program similar to what we used before, except that this program has been modified to design probes across many exemplar genomes (instead of just one). As input, we give the program the name of the directory holding all of our fastas and the name of the config file we created in the step above. Then, as before, we need to add some metadata that will be incorporated to the bait set design file, and we tell the program to tile at 3x density, use a “middle” overlap, remove baits with >25% masking, and to design two probes targeting each locus. Finally, we write this probe set to a file named coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list.fasta.

phyluce_probe_get_tiled_probe_from_multiple_inputs \
    --fastas coleoptera-genome-fasta \
    --multi-fasta-output triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf \
    --probe-prefix "uce-" \
    --designer faircloth \
    --design coleoptera-v1 \
    --tiling-density 3 \
    --overlap middle \
    --masking 0.25 \
    --remove-gc \
    --two-probes \
    --output coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list.fasta


Conserved locus count = 1209
Probe Count = 14113

Note that the number of baits that we’ve designed to target 1209 conserved loci is quite high - this is because we’re including roughly 2 baits for 1209 loci across 7 exemplar taxa (16926 is the theoretical maximum).

Remove duplicates from our bait set

As before, we need to check out bait set for duplicate loci. This time, the search is going to take longer, because of the larger number of baits. We’ll align all the probes to themselves, then read in the alignments, and filter the probe list to remove putative duplicates.

Align probes to themselves at low stringency to identify duplicates:

phyluce_probe_easy_lastz \
    --target coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list.fasta \
    --query coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list.fasta \
    --identity 50 \
    --coverage 50 \
    --output coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-TO-SELF-PROBES.lastz

Started:  Fri Jun 03, 2016  15:50:52
Ended:  Fri Jun 03, 2016  15:51:11
Time for execution:  0.322272149722 minutes

Now, screen the alignements and filter our master probe list to remove duplicates:

phyluce_probe_remove_duplicate_hits_from_probes_using_lastz \
    --fasta coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list.fasta \
    --lastz coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-TO-SELF-PROBES.lastz \

Parsing lastz file...
Screening results...
Screened 14112 fasta sequences.  Filtered 37 duplicates. Kept 13674.

The master probe list that has been filtered of putatively duplicate loci is now located in coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED.fasta.

Your directory should look something like the following:

├── alignments (collapsed)
├── bed  (collapsed)
├── genomes  (collapsed)
└── probe-design
    ├── coleoptera-genome.conf
    ├── coleoptera-genome-fasta
    │   ├── agrpla1.fasta
    │   ├── anogla1.fasta
    │   ├── denpon1.fasta
    │   ├── lepdec1.fasta
    │   ├── menmol1.fasta
    │   ├── onttau1.fasta
    │   └── tricas1.fasta
    ├── coleoptera-genome-lastz
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_agrPla1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_anoGla1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_denPon1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_lepDec1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_menMol1.lastz.clean
    │   ├── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_ontTau1.lastz.clean
    │   └── triCas1+5.temp-DUPE-SCREENED.probes_v_triCas1.lastz.clean
    ├── coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED.fasta
    ├── coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list.fasta
    ├── coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-TO-SELF-PROBES.lastz
    ├── multifastas.sqlite
    ├── triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf
    ├── triCas1+5-back-to-4.conf.missing.matrix
    └── triCas1+5+menMol1.sqlite

The master bait list

What we’ve created, above, is the master bait list that contains baits targeting the conserved locus we identified. Because we’ve designed probes from multiple exemplar taxa, the number of overall baits is high (as high as 14 baits targeting each conserved locus). This bait set is ready for synthesis and subsequent enrichment of these conserved loci shared among coleoptera.

Subsetting the master probe list

Sometimes we might not want to synthesize all of the baits for all of the loci. For instance, we might be enriching loci from species that are nested within the clade defined by ((‘Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorned beetle)’:’Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle)’)’Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetle)’), and because we’re only working with these species, we might want to drop the baits targeting UCE loci in Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer), Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle), Onthophagus taurus (taurus scarab), and Mengenilla moldrzyki (Strepsiptera). This is actually pretty easy to do - we just need to subset the baits to include those taxa that we do want. Given the example, above, we can run:

> phyluce_probe_get_subsets_of_tiled_probes \
    --probes coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED.fasta \
    --taxa anogla1 lepdec1 denpon1 \
    --output coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED-SUBSET-CLADE_1.fasta

All probes = 13674
--- Probes by taxon ---
anogla1 2189
menmol1 1236
lepdec1 2083
denpon1 1867
onttau1 1970
agrpla1 2086
tricas1 2243
--- Post  filtering ---
Conserved locus count = 1169
Probe Count = 6139

In-silico test of the bait design

Now that we’ve designed our baits, it’s always good to run a sanity check on the data - if we use the baits to collect data from a selection of available genomes (or other genetic data), can we reconstruct a phylogeny that is sane, given what we know about the specific taxa?

How we do that is outlined below. Many of the steps we’ve run before, so I’m not going to explain these quite as much as I have previously. Several other of the steps that we’re going to run are also outlined in Tutorial I: UCE Phylogenomics.

First, we need to make a directory to hold our in-silico test results:

> cd uce-coleoptera
> mkdir probe-design-test
> cd probe-design-test

Now, our directory tree should look something like:

├── alignments (collapsed)
├── bed (collapsed)
├── genomes  (collapsed)
├── probe-design (collapsed)
└── probe-design-test

Align our bait set to the extant genome sequences

Here (and if you have them), you may want to include all the genomic data you have access to - particularly if you removed some taxa because they were closely related to other taxa and designing probes from these closely related groups was redundant. To run these alignments (you’ve seen this before):

phyluce_probe_run_multiple_lastzs_sqlite \
    --db triCas1+5+strepsiptera-test.sqlite \
    --output coleoptera-genome-lastz \
    --probefile ../probe-design/coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED.fasta \
    --scaffoldlist agrPla1 anoGla1 denPon1 lepDec1 ontTau1 triCas1 menMol1 \
    --genome-base-path ../genomes \
    --identity 50 \
    --cores 16


Note that I am using 16 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Now, we need to extract fasta data for each of these loci. This is effectively the same as what we’ve done before, but notice the use of –flank in place of –probe. This tells the program that we want to extract larger chunks of sequence, in thie base 400 bp to the each side of a given locus (if possible):

> phyluce_probe_slice_sequence_from_genomes \
    --conf coleoptera-genome.conf \
    --lastz coleoptera-genome-lastz \
    --output coleoptera-genome-fasta \
    --flank 400 \
    --name-pattern "coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED.fasta_v_{}.lastz.clean"

2016-06-03 16:36:47,712 - Phyluce - INFO - =================== Starting Phyluce: Slice Sequence ===================
2016-06-03 16:36:47,714 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on menMol1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:36:47,715 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading menMol1 genome
2016-06-03 16:36:57,447 - Phyluce - INFO - menMol1: 766 uces, 73 dupes, 693 non-dupes, 0 orient drop, 2 length drop, 691 written
2016-06-03 16:36:57,447 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on agrPla1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:36:57,448 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading agrPla1 genome
2016-06-03 16:37:12,538 - Phyluce - INFO - agrPla1: 1151 uces, 81 dupes, 1070 non-dupes, 0 orient drop, 34 length drop, 1036 written
2016-06-03 16:37:12,538 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on anoGla1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:37:12,539 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading anoGla1 genome
2016-06-03 16:37:29,320 - Phyluce - INFO - anoGla1: 1167 uces, 103 dupes, 1064 non-dupes, 0 orient drop, 17 length drop, 1047 written
2016-06-03 16:37:29,321 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on denPon1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:37:29,322 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading denPon1 genome
2016-06-03 16:37:44,958 - Phyluce - INFO - denPon1: 1126 uces, 174 dupes, 952 non-dupes, 1 orient drop, 16 length drop, 935 written
2016-06-03 16:37:44,959 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on lepDec1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:37:44,959 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading lepDec1 genome
2016-06-03 16:38:01,794 - Phyluce - INFO - lepDec1: 1156 uces, 142 dupes, 1014 non-dupes, 6 orient drop, 22 length drop, 986 written
2016-06-03 16:38:01,794 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on ontTau1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:38:01,796 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading ontTau1 genome
2016-06-03 16:38:16,611 - Phyluce - INFO - ontTau1: 1134 uces, 100 dupes, 1034 non-dupes, 3 orient drop, 14 length drop, 1017 written
2016-06-03 16:38:16,612 - Phyluce - INFO - ------------------- Working on triCas1 genome -------------------
2016-06-03 16:38:16,613 - Phyluce - INFO - Reading triCas1 genome
2016-06-03 16:38:32,786 - Phyluce - INFO - triCas1: 1172 uces, 70 dupes, 1102 non-dupes, 13 orient drop, 13 length drop, 1076 written

Match contigs to baits

In the step above, we essentially extracted FASTA data for each taxon, and wrote those out into individual FASTA files. These are the equivalent of the assembled contigs that we use in the standard phyluce pipeline, so now, we’re going to use that workflow. Note that the filtering in phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes is more strict that what we used above to identify contigs.

> phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes \
    --contigs coleoptera-genome-fasta \
    --probes ../probe-design/coleoptera-v1-master-probe-list-DUPE-SCREENED.fasta \
    --output in-silico-lastz \
    --min_coverage 67 \
    --log-path log

2016-06-03 16:40:36,888 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - agrpla1: 903 (87.16%) uniques of 1036 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 116 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 117 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci
2016-06-03 16:41:06,688 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - anogla1: 927 (88.54%) uniques of 1047 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 111 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 116 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci
2016-06-03 16:41:28,524 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - denpon1: 819 (87.59%) uniques of 935 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 85 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 89 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci
2016-06-03 16:41:54,879 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - lepdec1: 900 (91.28%) uniques of 986 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 80 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 81 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci
2016-06-03 16:42:05,300 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - menmol1: 527 (76.27%) uniques of 691 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 58 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 58 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci
2016-06-03 16:42:29,353 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - onttau1: 854 (83.97%) uniques of 1017 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 127 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 130 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci
2016-06-03 16:43:01,303 - phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes - INFO - tricas1: 934 (86.80%) uniques of 1076 contigs, 0 dupe probe matches, 140 UCE loci removed for matching multiple contigs, 141 contigs removed for matching multiple UCE loci

Get match counts and extract FASTA information

Now, we need to get the count of matches that we recovered to UCE loci in the probe set, and extract all of the “good” loci to a monolithic FASTA (see Tutorial I: UCE Phylogenomics if this is not making sense):

phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts \
    --locus-db in-silico-lastz/probe.matches.sqlite \
    --taxon-list-config in-silico-coleoptera-taxon-sets.conf \
    --taxon-group 'all' \
    --output taxon-sets/insilico-incomplete/insilico-incomplete.conf \
    --log-path log \

2016-06-03 16:50:02,610 - phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts - INFO - There are 7 taxa in the taxon-group '[all]' in the config file in-silico-coleoptera-taxon-sets.conf
2016-06-03 16:50:02,610 - phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts - INFO - Getting UCE names from database
2016-06-03 16:50:02,617 - phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts - INFO - There are 1172 total UCE loci in the database
2016-06-03 16:50:02,708 - phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts - INFO - Getting UCE matches by organism to generate a INCOMPLETE matrix
2016-06-03 16:50:02,709 - phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts - INFO - There are 1093 UCE loci in an INCOMPLETE matrix
2016-06-03 16:50:02,709 - phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts - INFO - Writing the taxa and loci in the data matrix to /nfs/data1/working/bfaircloth-insects/coleoptera/triCas1+5+strepsiptera-test/taxon-sets/insilico-incomplete/insilico-incomplete.conf

Now, extract the FASTA information for each locus into a monolithic FASTA file:

phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts \
    --contigs ../../coleoptera-genome-fasta \
    --locus-db ../../in-silico-lastz/probe.matches.sqlite \
    --match-count-output insilico-incomplete.conf \
    --output insilico-incomplete.fasta \
    --incomplete-matrix insilico-incomplete.incomplete \
    --log-path log

Align the conserved locus data

Now, we need to align the sequence data for each conserved locus in our data set. We’ll do this using standard phyluce tools (mafft). First, change into the working directory:

cd taxon-sets/insilico-incomplete

Now, align the sequences:

phyluce_align_seqcap_align \
    --fasta insilico-incomplete.fasta \
    --output mafft \
    --taxa 7 \
    --incomplete-matrix \
    --cores 12 \
    --no-trim \
    --output-format fasta \
    --log-path log


Note that I am using 12 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Trim the conserved locus alignments

Still following the standard phyluce workflow, trim the resulting alignments:

phyluce_align_get_gblocks_trimmed_alignments_from_untrimmed \
    --alignments mafft \
    --output mafft-gblocks \
    --b1 0.5 \
    --b4 8 \
    --cores 12 \
    --log log


Note that I am using 12 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Remove the locus names from each alignment

And, remove the locus names from each of the resulting alignments:

phyluce_align_remove_locus_name_from_nexus_lines \
    --alignments mafft-gblocks \
    --output mafft-gblocks-clean \
    --cores 12 \
    --log-path log


Note that I am using 12 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Get stats across the aligned loci

Compute stats across the alignments:

python ~/git/phyluce/bin/align/phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data \
    --alignments mafft-gblocks-clean \
    --cores 12 \
    --log-path log

2016-06-03 16:57:11,675 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ========= Starting phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data =========
2016-06-03 16:57:11,675 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Version: git 6ab3a4b
2016-06-03 16:57:11,675 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --alignments: triCas1+5+strepsiptera-test/taxon-sets/insilico-incomplete/mafft-gblocks-clean
2016-06-03 16:57:11,675 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --cores: 12
2016-06-03 16:57:11,675 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --input_format: nexus
2016-06-03 16:57:11,675 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --log_path: triCas1+5+strepsiptera-test/taxon-sets/insilico-incomplete/log
2016-06-03 16:57:11,676 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --output: None
2016-06-03 16:57:11,676 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --show_taxon_counts: False
2016-06-03 16:57:11,676 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Argument --verbosity: INFO
2016-06-03 16:57:11,676 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Getting alignment files
2016-06-03 16:57:11,710 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - Computing summary statistics using 12 cores
2016-06-03 16:57:15,381 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ----------------------- Alignment summary -----------------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,382 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] loci:      994
2016-06-03 16:57:15,382 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] length:    644,447
2016-06-03 16:57:15,382 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] mean:      648.34
2016-06-03 16:57:15,383 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] 95% CI:    9.39
2016-06-03 16:57:15,383 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] min:       240
2016-06-03 16:57:15,383 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Alignments] max:       1,444
2016-06-03 16:57:15,383 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------- Informative Sites summary -------------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,384 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Sites] loci:   994
2016-06-03 16:57:15,384 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Sites] total:  169,024
2016-06-03 16:57:15,384 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Sites] mean:   170.04
2016-06-03 16:57:15,384 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Sites] 95% CI: 4.48
2016-06-03 16:57:15,384 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Sites] min:    0
2016-06-03 16:57:15,384 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Sites] max:    390
2016-06-03 16:57:15,386 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------- Taxon summary -------------------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,386 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] mean:            5.76
2016-06-03 16:57:15,386 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] 95% CI:          0.07
2016-06-03 16:57:15,386 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] min:             3
2016-06-03 16:57:15,386 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Taxa] max:             7
2016-06-03 16:57:15,387 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ----------------- Missing data from trim summary ----------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,387 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] mean: 0.00
2016-06-03 16:57:15,387 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] 95% CI:       0.00
2016-06-03 16:57:15,387 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] min:  0.00
2016-06-03 16:57:15,387 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Missing] max:  0.00
2016-06-03 16:57:15,399 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - -------------------- Character count summary --------------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,399 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [All characters]        3,655,040
2016-06-03 16:57:15,399 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Nucleotides]           3,518,743
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ---------------- Data matrix completeness summary ---------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 50%]            946 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 55%]            946 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 60%]            865 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 65%]            865 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 70%]            865 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 75%]            657 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 80%]            657 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 85%]            657 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 90%]            275 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 95%]            275 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------ Character counts -----------------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,399 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [All characters]        3,655,040
2016-06-03 16:57:15,399 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Nucleotides]           3,518,743
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ---------------- Data matrix completeness summary ---------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 50%]            946 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 55%]            946 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 60%]            865 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,400 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 65%]            865 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 70%]            865 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 75%]            657 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 80%]            657 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 85%]            657 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 90%]            275 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Matrix 95%]            275 alignments
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ------------------------ Character counts -----------------------
2016-06-03 16:57:15,401 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] '-' is present 136,297 times
2016-06-03 16:57:15,402 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'A' is present 1,047,965 times
2016-06-03 16:57:15,402 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'C' is present 708,469 times
2016-06-03 16:57:15,402 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'G' is present 706,567 times
2016-06-03 16:57:15,402 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - [Characters] 'T' is present 1,055,742 times
2016-06-03 16:57:15,402 - phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data - INFO - ========= Completed phyluce_align_get_align_summary_data ========


Note that I am using 12 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Generate an incomplete matrix

Now, given the alignments that we have, let’s generate a 70% complete matrix:

phyluce_align_get_only_loci_with_min_taxa \
    --alignments mafft-gblocks-clean \
    --taxa 7 \
    --output mafft-gblocks-70p \
    --percent 0.75 \
    --cores 12 \
    --log log

2016-06-03 16:58:19,687 - phyluce_align_get_only_loci_with_min_taxa - INFO - Copied 865 alignments of 994 total containing ≥ 0.75 proportion of taxa (n = 5)


Note that I am using 12 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Prep raxml files, run raxml ML searches, and reconcile best tree w/ bootreps

Setup the PHYLIP-formatted files for raxml:

phyluce_align_format_nexus_files_for_raxml \
    --alignments mafft-gblocks-70p \
    --output mafft-gblocks-70p-raxml \
    --log-path log --charsets

Now, run raxml against this phylip file

raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -m GTRGAMMA -N 20 -p 772374015 -n BEST -s mafft-gblocks-70p.phylip -o menmol1 -T 10
raxml/raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3 -m GTRGAMMA -N autoMRE -p 772374015 -b 444353738 -n bootrep -s mafft-gblocks-70p.phylip -o menmol1 -T 10


Note that I am using 10 physical CPU cores (–cores) to do this work. You need to use the number of physical cores available on your machine.

Now, reconcile the best ML tree w/ the bootreps:

raxmlHPC-SSE3 -f b \
    -m GTRGAMMA \
    -t RAxML_bestTree.BEST \
    -z RAxML_bootstrap.bootrep \
    -n FINAL -o menmol1

And rename the tips. To do this, setup a config file with the old and new names, like:

agrpla1:Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer)
anogla1:Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorned beetle)
denpon1:Dendroctonus ponderosae (mountain pine beetle)
lepdec1:Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle)
menmol1:Mengenilla moldrzyki (Strepsiptera)
onttau1:Onthophagus taurus (taurus scarab)
tricas1:Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle)

And rename the tips:

phyluce_genetrees_rename_tree_leaves \
    --order left:right \
    --input-format newick \
    --output-format newick \
    --config rename.conf \
    --section all \
    --input RAxML_bipartitions.FINAL \
    --output RAxML_bipartitions.NAME.FINAL.tre